LENS Neurofeedback in Asheville, NC

It doesn’t have to be this hard.

You think you’ve tried everything to treat your depression and anxiety, or get a better handle on side effects from past head injuries and concussions.

The medications don’t seem to work, and the effects are all over the place. You are sick and tired of being “sick and tired.”

But there is relief. Through re-setting stuck or frozen areas of the brain with carrier waves called Neurofeedback. This is faster and less expensive. And you want that. You want relief now.

What is LENS Neurofeedback?

The LENS, or Low Energy Neurofeedback System, is a unique, effective and safe form of neurotherapy that facilitates changes in people of all ages with a wide variety of presenting issues such as concussion, depression, anxiety, anger, seizures, ADHD, PTSD, addiction and sports performance.

In Asheville, Neurofeedback is helping more and more people get free of what’s holding them back.

As a result, it has the capacity to address numerous symptoms and deficits. It is remarkably effective, and over 85% of people who have used the LENS have benefited significantly from it.

Results can be seen quickly, often beginning within the first session, and are lasting.

How is this different from other treatment?

Here in Asheville, LENS Neurofeedback may be utilized as the primary treatment approach, or as an adjunct to other therapies. Patients across the lifespan – from young children to older adults – have benefited from LENS.

What makes LENS different from other forms of neurofeedback?

When it comes to getting neurofeedback in Asheville – whether for depression, anxiety, or head injuries – I know you have options. I find that LENS Neurofeedback best responds to each client’s EEG signals, which are unique to them and constantly changing.

The LENS measures these ever-changing signals of the client and matches the treatment to the client’s own physiological (neurological) fingerprint.

What can I expect in a session?

Some treatments for anxiety in Asheville can be exhausting in and of themselves. I’ve seen approaches to depression in Asheville that are debilitating! And in Asheville, brain injury treatments that only further irritate symptoms. But it doesn’t have to be this way.

When you sit down for a LENS Neurofeedback session, you let me do all the work. You will be reclining in a chair with your eyes closed, listening to calming music. It is very relaxing. I will place a headband on your head to hold two sensors that are moved around to 21 different locations on you head.

LENS does not require any focused attention, and you do not need to do anything specific during the session.

The sessions themselves last between a few seconds and a few minutes, and results are typically seen in 6-20 sessions (depending upon the treatment issue). This makes LENS an excellent option for Neurofeedback in Asheville for all individuals, including those who are unable to attend for lengthy periods of time.

You don’t have to attend 45 – 60 expensive sessions to feel better.

Let me help. Contact me at (828) 302-3868, and let’s start your journey today.