Individual Therapy in Asheville, NC

You can stop searching now. Whew!!

You have been searching and looking for answers for so long. Congratulations!! You have finally arrived.

So, take a deep breath and know that you no longer have to look for relief to the many burdens that you are carrying.

For some people, ‘therapy’ carries a stigma. It means that you’re somehow ‘less than.’ In my experience, nothing is further from the truth. Those seeking therapy in Asheville, NC are bright, beautiful people who are nonetheless ‘stuck.’ It’s the most resourceful people who recognize when having another’s presence in their lives can make all the difference. Why put it off any longer? 

I want you to know that this is the beginning place to your healing. Whatever problems you may have, or think you have, or believe are not as important as someone else’s – or even fixable… know this: YOU MATTER!

Without help, the path gets rockier and downright impassable. But I can guide you to a road less travelled where the destination is visible.

I have been helping people like you for over 25 years with great success. Mostly because we do the work together. You are not alone in this anymore. I am here to help you unload those burdens and be refreshed. If you are looking for therapy in Asheville, North Carolina, you’ve come to the right place.

YOU are the driver, and I am the navigator.

You will be sharing your issues, feelings and thoughts; I will be assisting you in steering through them with solutions that work for you.

Think about driving through an unfamiliar city. 

You know how to drive, and you’ve been to other cities. But what if you could have a local guide? Who will listen to where you want to go, and can give you the best routes to get there? And who – perhaps most importantly of all – can tell you what streets and potholes to avoid? 

Having someone who knows the terrain of where you are can get you to the destination you want.

In this process, there are risks and benefits.

When working with a therapist in Asheville, the ‘risk’ part is that it can be hard to share deep-rooted pain with a stranger. You barely know me, right?

However, with time together, trust is built. The walls of my office belong to you and are spattered with tears, laughter, pain and joy. These are the things that make great new maps.

Getting rid of obstacles and discovering new and better roads are a part of the journey.

The ‘benefit’ part to therapy in Asheville is that through this journey, you can be relieved that you ARE OKAY and can see ahead of you instead of being in the fog. You can travel down roads less travelled that make up the new you that you will be discovering.

The process of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.

One of the most trusty tools in my toolkit as a therapist in Asheville is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, or CBT. Simply put, CBT involves looking at your “stinking thinking” that has created irrational beliefs that are not working for you anymore. This is a conversation, and revelation process, speaking directly to your mind.

I am always amazed when a client has their “Ah-ha!” moment – and their life takes a positive turn outside the session. Often, they immediately reach out and let me know, or return to the next session to share how that moment impacted something or someone in their life.

The job gets better, the marriage improves, new opportunities begin to appear. They feel empowered, hopeful, excited and changed.

And the result is lasting and revealing.

I am excited to reinforce your “Ah-ha” moments.

You don’t have to go it alone.

Let me help. Contact me at (828) 302-3868, and let’s start your Asheville therapy journey today to a New Beginning, A New Life and A New You!